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Let's Get Rid Of Limiting Beliefs

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“PSYCH-K® is a friendly way to rewrite the software of your mind and change the printout of your life… and the world!"

Robert. M. Williams, MA Originator of PSYCH-K®


PSYCH-K® is a unique approach that helps people achieve their goals in life, tailored to individual needs in areas such as relationships, self-confidence, financial status, career, health, and physical condition. The process has a proven track record of success over 30 years by thousands of people around the world. It blends various contemporary and ancient tools derived from neuroscience research to change subconscious beliefs that perpetuate old habits of thought and behavior.


The approach transcends standard methods of visualization, affirmations, willpower, and positive thinking, especially effective in the areas of behavioral/habit change, wellness, and distress reduction. PSYCH-K® is a spiritual process with psychological and physical benefits, supporting people in freeing their minds from beliefs that limit self-realization and recognizing themselves as spiritual beings having a human experience. This awareness has a profoundly expansive effect on mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being.


Your life reflects your beliefs. These beliefs, mostly subconscious, are the cumulative effect of lifelong programming. As a result of our limiting programming (beliefs) which are originated from our past experiences, we often think and behave in self-defeating ways and sometimes even do not understand it consciously. PSYCH-K® provides a user-friendly way to rewrite your mind’s software quickly and easily. It helps you change your beliefs which limits your life to beliefs that support your transformation and expansion.


Changing subconscious beliefs that may be a barrier to your well-intentioned actions is like reprogramming a personal computer. Using the PSYCH-K® process, which is equivalent to a kind of mental keyboard for your mind, you can increase the exchange of information between the two hemispheres of the brain to achieve what is called a Whole-Brain State, which is the ideal environment to change subconscious beliefs, or the perception of stress generated by fear, a trauma, or a particular situation.

In addition to that, when the right and left hemispheres of the brain are in simultaneous communication, the qualities and characteristics of both hemispheres are made available to you to exponentially increase your total capacity to respond to life’s challenges. PSYCH-K® helps you communicate directly with your subconscious mind and your superconscious mind (inner wisdom/higher self) so that you can change old self-limiting beliefs for new self-empowering ones that support your life process.



During an in-person PSYCH-K® Basic Workshop of only 3 days, you can learn what is necessary to generate significant changes in your life and in the lives of the people who are willing to go through the process with you. If you take the PSYCH-K® Online Workshop Level 1, in just 3 days you will learn how to transform your own life.


The Balance (change) processes are as simple as possible and well-structured from beginning to the end, generating evident and sustainable changes over time.


It is based on the Wisdom and Intelligence of the individual and on their capacity for transformation, rather than on the ability of the Facilitator. PSYCH-K® integrates a “permission” protocol with the individual’s higher wisdom/self, which has the full perspective of what is “safe and appropriate,” in the context of his/her evolutionary process.


It reminds you of your inner power and your True Essence as a spiritual being having a human experience; side effects manifest at all other levels through the peace you seek.


PSYCH-K® is a versatile approach that can be adapted to everyone's needs and desires. It functions differently for different people, depending on their goals and skill sets. It can be used as a tool to transform limiting subconscious beliefs that often hinder the expression of one's full potential. Mental health practitioners can use it as an effective adjunct to traditional talk therapies.


For people with physical health challenges, it complements standard medical treatment by activating the body's natural self-healing properties. Spiritual seekers can use it to reduce stress and elicit a Whole-Brain State, a particular state of consciousness that activates both hemispheres of the brain simultaneously and creates a gateway to higher consciousness. The PSYCH-K® approach helps individuals re-perceive themselves, their circumstances, and their personal potential, leading to a happier and more satisfying life through self-realization.


Your subconscious beliefs can limit what you believe you can achieve, creating conflicts between your conscious goals and your deeper beliefs. These conflicts can impact your relationships, job performance, self-esteem, athletic performance, weight loss, prosperity, and even your physical health. If you are struggling with any of these challenges, you might consider reaching out to a certified PSYCH-K® Instructor for an in-person or online workshop schedule or schedule a private session with a Facilitator. These private sessions can be held face-to-face or remotely via videoconference (e.g., Zoom, Skype, Google-Meet, etc.).


While PSYCH-K® is not a substitute for professional medical treatment, it can complement it. The PSYCH-K® approach aims to transform any limiting subconscious beliefs that may be contributing to a condition or situation, especially those related to stress. These beliefs are often acquired in childhood and continue into adulthood, remaining below the level of consciousness. Scientifically, there is evidence of a biological interaction between the mind and body, and this is where PSYCH-K® comes in.


Although it is not possible to guarantee specific results since they depend largely on the individual and their condition, PSYCH-K® has a 30-year history of helping people achieve greater satisfaction and happiness on mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual levels. If you are ready to co-create a new state of well-being in your life, you may want to consider attending an in-person PSYCH-K® Basic Workshop or a PSYCH-K® Online Workshop Level 1, or schedule a private session with a Facilitator.

PSYCH-K® Balance processes result in a Whole-Brain State, which expands beyond an individual's limiting beliefs, programming, or thinking. This leads to more options and potential to attract, manifest, or pursue desired experiences. While a Balance may not entirely transform an unwanted experience or produce the desired result every time, each Balance helps individuals move towards their desired goals. Success largely depends on the individual's potential and willingness to change, and sometimes requires multiple Balances and taking required actions.


Nonetheless, for over 30 years, thousands of people have reported significant success in reaching their goals with PSYCH-K®.

Happy Traveler


PSYCH-K® is a modality that empowers individuals to connect with their inner wisdom and own their power for change. The true power for transformation lies within the individual, not the Facilitator. As such, a PSYCH-K® Facilitator's role is to create a safe and sacred space where the Partner (individual) can reveal their wisdom and integrate it with the transformation process. The Facilitator does not make change happen 'to' the individual, but rather holds space for the individual's innate transformation process to unfold. The guiding principle behind PSYCH-K® facilitation is "Isumataq," meaning the keeper of the sacred space in which wisdom is revealed.


PSYCH-K® Facilitators help individuals to connect with their inner wisdom and choose their own path towards their desired goals, free from manipulation or false expectations. The Facilitator empowers the individual to grow at their own pace with integrity, helping those who are sincerely willing and ready for their own transformation. When experiencing a PSYCH-K® session, individuals can expect to connect with their inner wisdom and own their power for change.


Schedule A Free Consultation Today to Get Started!


The PSYCH-K® process is strictly limited to the modification of beliefs. Its purpose is to engage the mind/body’s natural self-healing processes in order to complement, not replace, usual, customary, and reasonable medical treatment and medical care by qualified medical practitioners. PSYCH-K® processes are not designed to diagnose medical conditions. Nor is PSYCH-K® designed to treat, heal, or cure any disease, illness, physical disability, medical problem, or mental illness, whether chronic or acute. PSYCH-K® is not a replacement for appropriate medical attention or professional mental health care. PSYCH-K® is not medical advice, and should not be treated as such.

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